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CRUD operations for Microsoft Cabinet Format in pure C#

Cabinet manager

Handles microsoft cabinet format (.cab files) in pure C#.



Microsoft cabinet file specifications

This library implements the following specifications:

Limitations of this lib

This library is not a complete implementation of the specifications (mostly because I didn’t need all the features).

The limitations are listed below:

Usage example

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using CabinetManager;

namespace CabinetManagerTest {
    public class Program {
        static void Main(string[] args) {

            Console.WriteLine("Creating dumb file.");
            File.WriteAllText(@"my_source_file.txt", @"my content");
            var cabManager = CabManager.New();
            cabManager.OnProgress += CabManagerOnProgress;

            // Add files to a new or existing cabinet
            Console.WriteLine("Adding file to cabinet.");
            var nbProcessed = cabManager.PackFileSet(new List<IFileToAddInCab> {
                CabFile.NewToPack(@"", @"folder\file.txt", @"my_source_file.txt")

            Console.WriteLine($" -> {nbProcessed} files were added to a cabinet.");

            // List all the files in a cabinet
            var filesInCab = cabManager.ListFiles(@"").ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("Listing files:");
            foreach (var fileInCab in filesInCab) {
                Console.WriteLine($" * {fileInCab.RelativePathInCab}: {fileInCab.LastWriteTime}, {fileInCab.SizeInBytes}, {fileInCab.FileAttributes}");

            // Extract files to external paths
            Console.WriteLine("Extract file from cabinet.");
            nbProcessed = cabManager.ExtractFileSet(new List<IFileInCabToExtract> {
                CabFile.NewToExtract(@"", @"folder\file.txt", @"extraction_path.txt")

            Console.WriteLine($" -> {nbProcessed} files were extracted from a cabinet.");
            // Move files within a cabinet
            var filesToMove = filesInCab.Select(f => CabFile.NewToMove(f.CabPath, f.RelativePathInCab, $"subfolder/{f.RelativePathInCab}")).ToList();
            Console.WriteLine("Moving files within a cabinet.");
            nbProcessed = cabManager.MoveFileSet(filesToMove);

            Console.WriteLine($" -> {nbProcessed} files were moved within the cabinet.");

            Console.WriteLine("Listing files that were processed.");
            foreach (var file in filesToMove.Where(f => f.Processed)) {
                Console.WriteLine($" * {file.RelativePathInCab}");

            // Delete files in a cabinet
            Console.WriteLine("Delete file in cabinet.");
            nbProcessed = cabManager.DeleteFileSet(filesToMove.Select(f => CabFile.NewToDelete(f.CabPath, f.NewRelativePathInCab)));

            Console.WriteLine($" -> {nbProcessed} files were deleted from a cabinet.");


        private static void CabManagerOnProgress(object sender, ICabProgressionEventArgs e) {
            switch (e.EventType) {
                case CabEventType.GlobalProgression:
                    Console.WriteLine($"Global progression : {e.PercentageDone}%, current file is {e.RelativePathInCab}");
                case CabEventType.FileProcessed:
                    Console.WriteLine($"New file processed : {e.RelativePathInCab}");
                case CabEventType.CabinetCompleted:
                    Console.WriteLine($"New cabinet completed : {e.CabPath}");

        private class CabFile : IFileInCabToDelete, IFileInCabToExtract, IFileToAddInCab, IFileInCabToMove {
            public string CabPath { get; private set; }
            public string RelativePathInCab { get; private set; }
            public bool Processed { get; set; }
            public string ExtractionPath { get; private set; }
            public string SourcePath { get; private set; }
            public string NewRelativePathInCab { get; private set; }

            public static CabFile NewToPack(string cabPath, string relativePathInCab, string sourcePath) {
                return new CabFile {
                    CabPath = cabPath,
                    RelativePathInCab = relativePathInCab,
                    SourcePath = sourcePath

            public static CabFile NewToExtract(string cabPath, string relativePathInCab, string extractionPath) {
                return new CabFile {
                    CabPath = cabPath,
                    RelativePathInCab = relativePathInCab,
                    ExtractionPath = extractionPath

            public static CabFile NewToDelete(string cabPath, string relativePathInCab) {
                return new CabFile {
                    CabPath = cabPath,
                    RelativePathInCab = relativePathInCab

            public static CabFile NewToMove(string cabPath, string relativePathInCab, string newRelativePathInCab) {
                return new CabFile {
                    CabPath = cabPath,
                    RelativePathInCab = relativePathInCab,
                    NewRelativePathInCab = newRelativePathInCab