๐Ÿ“‚ fsfs


Displays a menu where the user can search and select an item. The menu is displayed in full screen. Each item can optionally have a description/details shown in a right panel. The user can search for an item by typing.

  • $1: prompt as string: The prompt to display to the user (e.g. Please pick an item).
  • $2: array name as string: The items to display (name of a global array).
  • $3: select callback function name as string: (optional) The function to call when an item is selected (defaults to empty, no callback) this parameter can be left empty to hide the preview right pane; otherwise the callback function should have the following signature:
    • $1: the current item
    • $2: the item number;
    • $3: the current panel width;
    • it should return the details of the item in the RETURNED_VALUE variable.
  • $4: preview title as string: (optional) the title of the preview right pane (if any) (defaults to empty)


  • RETURNED_VALUE: The selected item value (or empty).
  • RETURNED_VALUE2: The selected item index (from the original array). Or -1 if the user cancelled the selection
declare -g -a SELECTION_ARRAY
SELECTION_ARRAY=("blue" "red" "green" "yellow")
fsfs::itemSelector "What's your favorite color?" SELECTION_ARRAY
log::info "You selected: โŒœ${RETURNED_VALUE}โŒ (index: โŒœ${RETURNED_VALUE2}โŒ)"

Documentation generated for the version 0.27.285 (2024-12-05).