π interactive
Call this function to switch back from the full screen mode.
- This function will restore the terminal state and show the cursor.
- It will also restore the key echoing.
- If there were error messages during the interactive session, they will be displayed at the end.
Displays an answer to a previous question.
The text is wrapped and put inside a box like so:
β No. ββββ
- $1: answer as string: the answer to display
- $2: max width as int: (optional) the maximum width of the text in the dialog box (defaults to GLOBAL_COLUMNS)
interactive::displayAnswer "My answer."
This function creates some new lines after the current cursor position. Then it moves back to its original position. This effectively creates a space in the terminal (scroll up if we are at the bottom). It does not create more space than the number of lines in the terminal.
- $1: number of lines as int: the number of lines to create
interactive::createSpace 5
Ask the user to yes or no.
- The user can switch between the two options with the arrow keys or space.
- The user can validate the choice with the enter key.
- The user can also validate immediately with the y or n key.
This raw version does not display the prompt or the answer.
- $1: default as bool: (optional) the default value to select (defaults to true)
- $?:
- 0 if the user answered yes
- 1 otherwise
: true or false.
interactive::promptYesNoRaw "Do you want to continue?" && local answer="${RETURNED_VALUE}"
Get the current cursor position.
: the line numberCURSOR_COLUMN
: the column number
This function reads all the inputs from the user, effectively discarding them.
Call this function to start an interactive session in full screen mode. This function will switch to the alternate screen, hide the cursor and clear the screen. It will also disable echoing when we type something.
You should call interactive::switchBackFromFullScreen at the end of the interactive session.
In the alternate screen, we don’t see the error messages so we capture them somewhere else.
Stop the progress bar.
Update the progress bar with a new percentage and message.
The animation can be started with interactive::startProgress for more options. The animation will stop if the updated percentage is 100.
- $1: percent as int: the percentage of the progress bar (0 to 100)
- $2: message as string: (optional) the message to display
interactive::updateProgress 50 "Doing something..."
Wait for a user input and prints the character that bash sees. Useful to program key bindings.
Displays a dialog box with a speaker and a text.
- $1: speaker as string: the speaker (system or user)
- $2: text as string: the text to display
- $3: max width as int: (optional) the maximum width of the text in the dialog box (defaults to GLOBAL_COLUMNS)
interactive::displayDialogBox "system" "This is a system message."
Shows a spinner / progress animation with configurable output including a progress bar.
The animation will be displayed until interactive::stopProgress is called or if the max number of frames is reached.
Outputs to stderr. This will run in the background and will not block the main thread. The main thread can continue to output logs while this animation is running.
- $1: output template as string: (optional) the template to display (defaults to VALET_CONFIG_PROGRESS_BAR_TEMPLATE="#spinner #percent β#barβ #message")
- $2: max width as int: (optional) the maximum width of the progress bar (defaults to VALET_CONFIG_PROGRESS_BAR_SIZE=20)
- $3: frame delay as float: (optional) the time in seconds between each frame of the spinner (defaults to VALET_CONFIG_PROGRESS_ANIMATION_DELAY=0.1)
- $4: refresh every x frames as int: (optional) the number of frames of the spinner to wait before refreshing the progress bar (defaults to VALET_CONFIG_PROGRESS_BAR_UPDATE_INTERVAL=3)
- $5: max frames as int: (optional) the maximum number of frames to display (defaults to 9223372036854775807)
- $6: spinner as string: (optional) the spinner to display (each character is a frame) (defaults to VALET_CONFIG_SPINNER_CHARACTERS=“β β β Ήβ Έβ Όβ ΄β ¦β §β β ”) Examples: - ββββ - ββββ - β£Ύβ£½β£»β’Ώβ‘Ώβ£β£―β£· - β’β’β’β‘β‘β‘β‘ - β‘ββ - ββββ - β β β β β β Έβ °β β °β Έβ β β β
interactive::startProgress "#spinner" "" 0.05 "" "" "β’β’β’β‘β‘β‘β‘ "
wait 4
interactive::startProgress "#spinner #percent β#barβ #message" 30 0.05 1
while [[ ${IDX} -le 50 ]]; do
interactive::updateProgress $((IDX * 2)) "Doing something ${IDX}/50..."
IDX=$((IDX + 1))
sleep 0.1
Ask the user to press the button to continue.
This raw version does not display the prompt or the answer.
- $?:
- 0 if the user pressed enter
- 1 otherwise
Displays a question to the user.
The text is wrapped and put inside a box like so:
ββββ€ Is this an important question? β
- $1: prompt as string: the prompt to display
- $2: max width as int: (optional) the maximum width of text in the dialog box (defaults to GLOBAL_COLUMNS)
interactive::displayPrompt "Do you want to continue?"
Wait for a user input (single key). You can pass additional parameters to the read command (e.g. to wait for a set amount of time).
Some special keys are translated into more readable strings: UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, BACKSPACE, DEL, PAGE_UP, PAGE_DOWN, HOME, END, ESC, F1-F12, ALT+…
- $@: read parameters as any: additional parameters to pass to the read command
- $?:
- 0 if a key was pressed
- 1 otherwise
: the key pressed.
interactive::waitForKey -t 0.1
Ask the user to press the button to continue.
- $1: prompt as string: the prompt to display
- $?:
- 0 if the user pressed enter
- 1 otherwise
interactive::askForConfirmation "Press enter to continue."
Ask the user to yes or no.
The user can switch between the two options with the arrow keys or space.
The user can validate the choice with the enter key.
The user can also validate immediately with the y or n key.
$1: prompt as string: the prompt to display
$2: default as bool: (optional) the default value to select (defaults to true)
- $?:
- 0 if the user answered yes
- 1 otherwise
: true or false.
if interactive::promptYesNo "Do you want to continue?"; then echo "Yes."; else echo "No."; fi
Documentation generated for the version 0.20.345 (2024-08-14).