๐ log
Displays a debug message.
- $@: message as string: the debug messages to display
log::debug "This is a debug message."
Displays an error message.
- $@: message as string: the error messages to display
log::error "This is an error message."
You probably want to exit immediately after an error and should consider using core::fail function instead.
Displays an error trace message. This is a trace message that is always displayed, independently of the log level. It can be used before a fatal error to display useful information.
- $@: message as string: the trace messages to display
log::errorTrace "This is a debug message."
Get the current log level.
: The current log level.
printf '%s\n' "The log level is โ${RETURNED_VALUE}โ."
Displays an info message.
- $@: message as string: the info messages to display
log::info "This is an info message."
Check if the debug mode is enabled.
- $?:
- 0 if debug mode is enabled (log level is debug)
- 1 if disabled
if log::isDebugEnabled; then printf '%s\n' "Debug mode is active."; fi
Check if the trace mode is enabled.
- $?:
- 0 if trace mode is enabled (log level is trace)
- 1 if disabled
if log::isTraceEnabled; then printf '%s\n' "Debug mode is active."; fi
This function prints the current function stack in the logs.
- $1: stack to skip as int: the number of stack to skip (defaults to 2 which skips this function and the first calling function which is usually the onError function)
log::printCallStack 2
Display a file content with line numbers in the logs. The file content will be aligned with the current log output and hard wrapped if necessary.
- $1: path as string: the file path to display.
- $2: max lines as int: (optional) max lines to display (defaults to 0 which prints all lines).
log::printFile "/my/file/path"
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Display a file content with line numbers in the logs. The file content will be aligned with the current log output and hard wrapped if necessary.
- $1: content as string: the file content.
- $2: max lines as int: (optional) max lines to display (defaults to 0 which prints all lines).
log::printFileString "myfilecontent"
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Display something in the log stream. Does not check the log level.
- $1: content as string: the content to print (can contain new lines)
log::printRaw "my line"
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Display a string in the log. The string will be aligned with the current log output and hard wrapped if necessary. Does not check the log level.
- $1: content as string: the content to log (can contain new lines)
- $2: new line pad string as string: (optional) the string with which to prepend each wrapped line (empty by default)
log::printString "my line"
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Set the log level.
- $1: log level as string:
the log level to set (or defaults to info), acceptable values are:
- trace
- debug
- info
- success
- warning
- error
- $2: silent as bool: (optional) true to silently switch log level, i.e. does not print a message (defaults to false)
log::setLevel debug
log::setLevel debug true
Displays a success message.
- $@: message as string: the success messages to display
log::success "This is a success message."
Displays a trace message.
- $@: message as string: the trace messages to display
log::trace "This is a trace message."
Displays a warning.
- $@: message as string: the warning messages to display
log::warning "This is a warning message."
Documentation generated for the version 0.27.285 (2024-12-05).