๐Ÿ“‚ string


This function allows to bump a semantic version formatted like: major.minor.patch-prerelease+build

  • $1: version as string: the version to bump
  • $2: level as string: the level to bump (major, minor, patch)
  • $3: clear build and prerelease as bool: (optional) clear the prerelease and build (defaults to true)


  • RETURNED_VALUE: the new version string
string::bumpSemanticVersion "1.2.3-prerelease+build" "major"
local newVersion="${RETURNED_VALUE}"


This function convert a camelCase string to a SNAKE_CASE string. It uses pure bash. Removes all leading underscores.

  • $1: camelCase string as string: The camelCase string to convert.


string::camelCaseToSnakeCase "myCamelCaseString" && local mySnakeCaseString="${RETURNED_VALUE}"


This function allows to compare two semantic versions formatted like: major.minor.patch-prerelease+build

  • $1: version1 as string: the first version to compare
  • $2: version2 as string: the second version to compare


    • 0 if the versions are equal,
    • 1 if version1 is greater,
    • -1 if version2 is greater
string::compareSemanticVersion "2.3.4-prerelease+build" "1.2.3-prerelease+build"
local comparison="${RETURNED_VALUE}"

The prerelease and build are ignored in the comparison.


Counts the number of occurrences of a substring in a string.

  • $1: string as string: the string in which to search
  • $2: substring as string: the substring to count


  • RETURNED_VALUE: the number of occurrences
string::count "name,firstname,address" "," && local count="${RETURNED_VALUE}"

This is faster than looping over the string and check the substring.


Allows to get the nth element of a string separated by a given separator. This is the equivalent of the cut command “cut -d”${separator}" -f"${fieldNumber}"" but it uses pure bash to go faster.

  • $1: string to cut as string: the string to cut
  • $2: field number as int: the field number to get (starting at 0)
  • $3: separator as string: the separator (defaults to tab if not provided)


  • RETURNED_VALUE: the extracted field
string::cutField "field1 field2 field3" 1 " " && local field="${RETURNED_VALUE}"
printf '%s' "${field}" # will output "field2"

This is faster than:

  • using read into an array from a here string
  • using bash parameter expansion to remove before/after the separator


Extract the text between two strings within a string. Search for the first occurrence of the start string and the first occurrence (after the start index) of the end string. Both start and end strings are excluded in the extracted text. Both start and end strings must be found to extract something.

  • $1: string as string: the string in which to search
  • $2: start string as string: the start string (if empty, then it will extract from the beginning of the string)
  • $3: end string as string: the end string (if empty, then it will extract until the end of the string)


  • RETURNED_VALUE: the extracted text
string::extractBetween "This is a long text" "is a " " text"
local extractedText="${RETURNED_VALUE}"


Find the first index of a string within another string.

  • $1: string as string: the string in which to search
  • $2: search as string: the string to search
  • $3: start index as int: (optional) the starting index (defaults to 0)


  • RETURNED_VALUE: the index of the substring in the string or -1 if not found.
string::indexOf "This is a long text" "long" && local index="${RETURNED_VALUE}"
string::indexOf "This is a long text" "long" 10 && local index="${RETURNED_VALUE}"


This function convert a kebab-case string to a camelCase string. It uses pure bash. Removes all leading dashes.

  • $1: kebab-case string as string: The kebab-case string to convert.


  • RETURNED_VALUE: The camelCase string.
string::kebabCaseToCamelCase "my-kebab-case-string" && local myCamelCaseString="${RETURNED_VALUE}"


This function convert a kebab-case string to a SNAKE_CASE string. It uses pure bash. Removes all leading dashes.

  • $1: kebab-case string as string: The kebab-case string to convert.


string::kebabCaseToSnakeCase "my-kebab-case-string" && local mySnakeCaseString="${RETURNED_VALUE}"


Convert microseconds to human readable format.

  • $1: microseconds as int: the microseconds to convert
  • $2: format as string: the format to use (defaults to “HH:MM:SS”) Usable formats:
    • %HH: hours
    • %MM: minutes
    • %SS: seconds
    • %LL: milliseconds
    • %h: hours without leading zero
    • %m: minutes without leading zero
    • %s: seconds without leading zero
    • %l: milliseconds without leading zero
    • %u: microseconds without leading zero
    • %M: total minutes
    • %S: total seconds
    • %L: total milliseconds
    • %U: total microseconds


  • RETURNED_VALUE: the human readable format
string::microsecondsToHuman 123456789


Matches a string against a regex and returns the first capture group of the matched string.

  • $1: string as string: the string to match
  • $2: regex as string: the regex


  • RETURNED_VALUE: the first capture group in the matched string. Empty if no match.
string::regexGetFirst "name: julien" "name:(.*)"

Regex wiki: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Regular_Expressions/POSIX-Extended_Regular_Expressions


Split a string into an array using a separator.

  • $1: string as string: the string to split
  • $2: separator as string: the separator (must be a single character!)


  • RETURNED_ARRAY: the array of strings
string::split "name,first name,address" "," && local -a array=("${RETURNED_ARRAY[@]}")

This is faster than using read into an array from a here string.


Trim leading and trailing whitespaces.

  • $1: string to trim as string: The string to trim.


  • RETURNED_VALUE: The trimmed string.
string::trim "   example string    " && local trimmedString="${RETURNED_VALUE}"


Trim all whitespaces and truncate spaces.

  • $1: string to trim as string: The string to trim.


  • RETURNED_VALUE: The trimmed string.
string::trimAll "   example   string    " && local trimmedString="${RETURNED_VALUE}"


Allows to hard wrap the given string (without new lines) at the given width. Wrapping is done at character boundaries without taking spaces into consideration. Optionally applies a prefix on each new line.

  • $1: text as string: the text to wrap
  • $2: wrap width as string: (optional) the width to wrap the text at (defaults to GLOBAL_COLUMNS)
  • $3: new line pad string as string: (optional) the prefix to apply to each new line (defaults to “”)
  • $4: new line wrap width as string: (optional) the width to wrap the text for each new line (defaults to the width)


  • RETURNED_VALUE: the wrapped string
string::wrapCharacters "This is a long text that should be wrapped at 20 characters." 20 ---
local wrappedString="${RETURNED_VALUE}"

This function is written in pure bash and is faster than calling the fold command.


Allows to soft wrap the given sentence (without new lines) at the given width. Optionally applies a prefix on each new line.

  • $1: text as string: the text to wrap
  • $2: wrap width as int: (optional) the width to wrap the text at (defaults to GLOBAL_COLUMNS)
  • $3:*new line pad string as string: (optional) the prefix to apply to each new line (defaults to “”)


  • RETURNED_VALUE: the wrapped text
string::wrapSentence "This is a long text that should be wrapped at 20 characters." 20
local wrappedText="${RETURNED_VALUE}"
  • This function is written in pure bash and is faster than calling the fold command.
  • This function effectively trims all the extra spaces in the text (leading, trailing but also in the middle).

Documentation generated for the version 0.27.285 (2024-12-05).