โœจ Create a command

โœจ Create a command

Once you have created an extension and opened its directory, you can start creating your new commands.

๐Ÿ“‚ Command files location

Commands are found and indexed by Valet if they are defined in *.sh bash scripts located in the commands.d directory of your extensions.

Commands can be defined individually in separated files or can be regrouped in a single script. Keep in mind that the bash script of the command function will be sourced, so you might want to keep them light/short.

Here is an example content for your user directory:

        • my-awesome-cmd.sh
        • another.sh
  • โž• Create a command

    ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป Setup your development environment

    The section working on bash will help you set up a coding environment for bash.

    Open your existing extension directory or create a new one.

    ๐Ÿ“„ Add a new command file

    This step is optional, you can add a command in an existing file.

    Run the command valet self add-command my-command to create a new command file named my-command.sh in the commands.d directory of your extension. Replace my-command with the name of your command.

    Alternatively, create the file manually.

    ๐Ÿ”ค Define your new command

    Valet looks for a specific YAML formatted string to read command properties.

    A simple example is:

    : "---
    command: hello-world
    function: helloWorld
    shortDescription: A dummy command.
    description: |-
      This command says hello world.

    In the example above, we need to define a bash function named helloWorld in the same file as the command properties (see next step). When running valet hello-world, this function will be called.

    A list of all the available command properties can be found in this section.

    If your new command name contains one or more spaces, you are defining a sub command. E.g. sub cmd defines a command cmd which is a sub command of the sub command. It can be useful to regroup commands. Valet will show a menu for the command valet sub which displays only the sub commands of sub.

    For more examples, take a look at the showcase command definitions.

    Alternatively, you can add a new command definition using bash comments and the following format:

    # command: hello-world
    # function: helloWorld
    # shortDescription: A dummy command.
    # description: |-
    #   This command says hello world.

    โœ’๏ธ Implement your command

    Once the command properties are set, the next step is to implement the command function.

    A minimal command function has the following content (note that the function name matches the example of the previous step: change it to your function name).

    function helloWorld() {
      core::parseArguments "$@" && eval "${RETURNED_VALUE}"
      core::checkParseResults "${help:-}" "${parsingErrors:-}"


    • core::parseArguments "$@" is a core function of Valet which parses the input argument (i.e. $@) and returns a string in the global variable RETURNED_VALUE which can be evaluated to set local variables corresponding to arguments and options. See the function help in the core library documentation page.
    • eval "${RETURNED_VALUE}" evaluates the output string of the parsing function which sets local variables.
    • core::checkParseResults "${help:-}" "${parsingErrors:-}" will check if the local variable help is true, which corresponds to the option --help passed to the function, in which case it will display the function help and stop its execution. It will also check if the local variable parsingErrors is not empty, which indicates that the parsing function encountered input errors: the function execution is also stopped with parsing errors shown to the user.

    After these two mandatory lines, you can implement your function using local variables defined for you depending on the user inputs. You are guaranteed that the inputs are valid.

    All arguments and option local variables will be defined, even if they are not present in the user inputs.

    A command example

    Find below the complete definition of a example command that can take an option --my-option and requires one argument my-argument.

    : "---
    command: example
    function: example
    shortDescription: An example command
    description: |-
      Will display the passed argument and option.
    - name: my-argument
      description: |-
        First argument.
    - name: -o, --my-option
      description: |-
        First option.
    function example() {
      local myOption myArgument
      # parse the arguments of the command and evaluates to local variables
      core::parseArguments "$@" && eval "${RETURNED_VALUE}"
      # check if we need to exit because there was some inputs errors or if we need to just display the help
      core::checkParseResults "${help:-}" "${parsingErrors:-}"
      # use options and arguments
      echo "${myOption} and ${myArgument}"

    Executing valet example --my-option opt1 arg1 will display opt1 and arg1 in the standard output:

    • An option named -o, --my-option will translate to a local variable myOption (takes the first long name found and convert it to camel case).
    • An argument named my-argument will translate to a local variable myArgument (camel case).

    Check the command properties section for more details on how arguments and options are translated to local variables.

    Understand the parser

    The function core::parseArguments "$@" will return a string that can be evaluated to define the parsed options and arguments as local variables.

    With the command example above, assuming that the user input is valet example --thing --my-option opt1 arg1 the content of the global variable RETURNED_VALUE would be:

    local myoptions="opt1"
    local parsingErrors="Unknown option '--thing'"

    The parsingErrors variable contains the parser error: here we passed an option that is unknown for this command. Calling core::checkParseResults "${help:-}" "${parsingErrors:-}" will print that parsing error message to the user and exit the program.

    Access Valet library functions

    In the function of a command, you have access by default to a set of Valet functions:

    More useful function are accessible by including a Valet library in your script or command function. For this, you need to source the library that you need, e.g.:

    source string

    You can find a list of all the libraries here.

    Additionally, you can create your own library functions. See the create a library section for more information.

    Error handling and return values

    Although you can simply exit from a command function, it is recommended to:

    • โœ… return 0 if all went well.
    • โŒ core::fail "My error message" if something went wrong. This will exit the program with code 1 and print your error to the user. You can use core::failWithCode if you need to return a particular exit code.
    โš ๏ธ
    In Valet, the following bash options are set: set -Eeu -o pipefail: your function will stop with an error if any statement returns an error code different from zero; this also include any program in a pipe. It will end with an error if you try to use an unset variable.

    The options set -Eeu -o pipefail have the following meaning:

    • -e: This option instructs the shell to immediately exit if any command has a non-zero exit status.
    • -u: This option instructs the shell to immediately exit if it tries to use an unset variable.
    • -o pipefail: This option prevents errors in a pipeline from being masked.
    • -E: Any trap on ERR is inherited by shell functions, command substitutions, and commands executed in a subshell environment. The ERR trap is normally not inherited in such cases.

    If you expect a statement to fail but want to continue the execution, catch the exit code:

    local exitCode=0
    thingThatReturns1 || exitCode=$?
    if [[ ${exitCode} != 0 ]]; echo "do something if the command failed?..."; fi

    Or simply discard the error:

    thingThatReturns1 || :

    If you use a variable that could be unset, provide a default value:

    echo "${myUnsureVariable:-default value}"
    You can also revert these bash options in your function. However, they are very good options to catch unexpected errors in your code, and they force you to pay attention at each possible conditional branches.

    Implementation tips

    The section performance tips gives you pointer to write scripts that are fast to execute.

    You don’t have to remember all the Valet functions or look at the documentation every 5s: check this section to learn how to configure VScode to have autocompletion on all Valet functions.

    ๐Ÿงช (optional) Test your command

    Please check the create a test section.

    ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Rebuild valet menu

    You will not find your command in the Valet menu nor will you be able to execute it immediately after adding (or modifying) its definition.

    You first need to let Valet “re-index” all your commands by executing the self build.

    The build process consists of updating the ~/.valet.d/commands file by extracting all the commands definitions from your scripts. This file defines variables which are used internally by Valet.

    In case of an issue with your ~/.valet.d/commands file you might be unable to run the self build command. In which case you can execute the build directly by calling ${VALET_HOME}/commands.d/self-build.sh (VALET_HOME being your Valet installation directory).

    During the build, all files matching *.sh will be read by Valet to look for command definitions, and the search is recursive. Hidden directories (starting with a .) will be ignored, consider this rule to lower the build time if it becomes too important.

    ๐Ÿ› How to debug your program

    Your command function is not working as expected or seems stuck?

    Two ways to approach this problem:

    • Run your valet command in the bash debugger on Visual Studio.
    • Or use the valet -x option to enable the profiler (this turns the debug mode on set -x). This will output the complete trace in ~/valet-profiler-{PID}.txt (or you can choose the destination with the environment variable VALET_CONFIG_COMMAND_PROFILING_FILE). You can see what the profiling file looks like in this test report.

    Of course, a simpler strategy is to log stuff with debug (you can also do if log::isDebugEnabled; then log::debug "stuff"; fi to avoid computing a string value for debug).

    You can activate the debug log level with Valet -v option, e.g. valet -v my command.